Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Eyes In My Elbows?

I've been on Facebook mostly for awhile, but I hope to be  back to my blog now.  I've been talking about patterns a lot recently. Patterns of thought, of  movement, of reactions.

Some of the patterns serve us well, they are all the automatic motions and habits that get us up, dressed, get food on the table, drive or walk or bike to our daily activities.  We mostly don't have to think about them.

There are patterns in our movements as well.  We hunch over at the computer, we sit with one hip cocked at a funny angle in our favorite chair. Physical habits of movement and stillness that leave their mark in our tissues. Some areas are too tonic, others too flaccid.  This all leads to pain, and fewer options for freedom of movement. Uninterrupted, these patterns continue shape our bodies and it can become very difficult to change them.  

I recently watched a video from Heath and Nicole Reed (http://livingmetta.com/)  about this topic.  They had the following  exercise that I found wonderful:

Sit with your eyes closed and take a few relaxing breaths.  Start with one finger of one hand and start moving it around, flexing and extending it, think of every way you can move that finger.  Now, add the next finger and the next.  Now the whole hand and wrist.  Think of all the new ways you can move your fingers, hands and arm.  Imagine your elbow has eyes on it and it is looking all around.  Imagine eyes all over each body part, looking around and seeing from  new angles experiencing new ways  to move.  When you are done, assess how that arm feels in comparison to the other.  Did you find some surprising movements?  Or restrictions?

I encourage you to move in new ways. It keeps your mind and body flexible! Babies are born very flexible, and in large part our restrictions are learned.  I wrote another blog on this subject but with a slant toward EFT/tapping and the unconscious beliefs that support our patterns.  It expands the subject a great deal,. You can view it here: https://tapintoyourbrilliance.blogspot.com/

Many blessings of good health and freedom
