Well, wow. Last year was a year of big expansion, and re-evaluation of the whole social media arm of my business. Facebook changed faster than I could keep up with and for business pages it became less and less useful. I was basically talking to myself. The whole thing became un-fun.
So, at long last I've settled on this plan. I'll do all of my writing here, and try to expand that, while just posting to Facebook that I've made entries here. So, if you have found me, Welcome!
After 25 years of massage I got to a crossroads of how to continue my practice. A change was in order, but what? Over the last several years my interests and personal practices have centered on the influence of the subconscious on our health; brainwave states and healing; and how our beliefs shape not only our lives and choices but our very bodies.
Two contenders for my attention emerged: Body Talk and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). While I am an enthusiastic, fascinated and grateful client of Body Talk, in the end I chose to pursue certification in EFT.
EFT has a long pedigree which I won't get into here, but has been developed and implemented for about twenty years (I'm using aproximate numbers here) by the founder Gary Craig. You can look up and learn the technique from him at his website emofree.com or at another trusted site EFTuniverse.com. Gary Craig developed the technique continuing to build on the work of others who had been using and developing tapping techniques since at least the 1960's.
EFT works on several levels but the two main ways are cognitive exposure and tapping. Thinking of a problem and actually tapping on your body's acupuncture meridians (in specific places) to clear the meridians and the emotional responses that may be causing problems. There is of course a lot more to say about that but let's move on to Hebb's Law.
An apparently overly popular song from last year was Let It Go. Oh, but if we could! Who doesn't have something they just can't get out of their minds? Why is it so hard to just not let things bother us anymore? Enter Hebb's Law, which states that "neurons that fire together, wire together." I can't make it any better than this, so I'll quote from my training manual (author unknown): "A neuron fires when we think a thought. Each time we think that same thought, especially a traumatic one that has emotion connected with it, a new neuron binds to that initial neuron. Each time we send that thought pulse down that neural bundle, it gets thicker and thicker. So when you've had a traumatic event causing you distress over many years, you've built a large bundle over that experience."
It's not a matter of will power but grey matter that determines what you can let go. The more intense the emotion associated with the thought or memory the more "bundling" occurs. In massage we work under the maxim that "every sensation is translated into a muscular response of some kind" (author, Deane Juhan), and we watch for emotional responses to our work. But many levels of holding or storage are beyond the reach of our hands, and therefore, problems, pain and imbalances can continue to return or resist resolution at all. This is where the modern tapping techniques, and I think EFT primary among them, can help. Tapping interrupts the cycle that reinforces the "bad" bundle and actually deactivates it by stopping the usual response to the thought or emotion.
So after years of chasing down pain, I'm ready help people "root out" the hidden sources of many of their pains, physical and emotional. I'm excited about the journey ahead and hope you will be interested enough to join me as I learn and grow!
Cheers and Happy New Year
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